
Avoidance Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by avoiding social situations or interactions that carry a risk of rejection, criticism, or humiliation. The diagnosis is made by clinical criteria. Treatment is with psychotherapy, anxiolytics and antidepressants. Diagnosis People with this disorder can be extremely shy, afraid of making a fool of themselves, and worry too much […]

Obsessive Compulsive Personality

Obsessive Compulsive Personality People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder experience feelings that they consider more appropriate, such as anxiety or frustration. A person with OCPD has symptoms of perfectionism that usually begin in early adulthood. Diagnosis The prognosis for OCPD tends to be better than that of other personality disorders. Rigidity and control of OCPD can […]

Paranoid personality

Paranoid personality Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is a mental condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of mistrust and mistrust of others. The person does not have a complete psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. Diagnosis PPD is diagnosed on the basis of a psychological evaluation. The health care provider will assess the duration […]


Narcissism Personality qualities that include having a very high image of oneself, needing admiration, believing that others are inferior, and not having empathy for others. Diagnosis Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, indifference to the feelings of others, intolerance of criticism, and feeling that others owe you something. Symptoms Grandiosity, social isolation, emotional hardness […]

Dependent Personality

Dependent Personality It is a state of mind in which people are overly dependent on others to meet their emotional and physical needs. Diagnosis Dependent personality disorder is diagnosed based on a psychological evaluation. The health care provider will take into account the length of time the person has experienced the symptoms and the severity […]

Antisocial personality

Antisocial personality Mental health disorder characterized by disinterest in other people. People with antisocial personality disorder (APD) may begin to show symptoms in childhood but may not be diagnosed until adolescence or adulthood. Diagnosis People with antisocial personality disorder tend to lie, break laws, and behave impulsively; Likewise, they do not care about their own […]